In continuation of the Zero Out of School Children (OOSC) Campaign in ICT, a meeting was chaired by the Secretary Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Islamabad (MOFEPT), 18th May 2023. Additional Secretary (MOFEPT) and HODs of FDE, BECS ,NCHD, NEF, PIE and partner organizations from the private sector attended the meeting. The Honorable Secretary emphasized that the high number of Out of School children in the ICT and all over Pakistan is very alarming and needs extra attention and efforts. He discussed the action plan with all stakeholders and issued directions to complete the assigned task before the deadline. He also reviewed the statistics of OOSC uploaded on the Dashboard of PIE. The Directorate General of Basic EducationCommunity Schools has collected the real time data of 2500 OOSC during last week and has enrolled 2241 children in newly established schools. Director General BECS is committed to achieve the target to enroll 9000 OOSC till 30th June 2023. BECs teams are continuously conducting the door to door survey and community mobilization to achieve the target.