PR No.168
Islamabad: September 21, 2022

Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development of Pakistan Sajid Hussain Turi held an online meeting with Minister of Labor and Social Security of Azerbaijan Sahil Babayev in which bilateral relations, export of manpower and issues of mutual interest were discussed in detail. Paksitan Ambassador on Azerbaijan Irfan Hayee and Senior officials from both sides attended the meeting. Sajid Hussain Turi said that both countries have always enjoyed brotherly relations and will be further strengthened through mutual cooperation and understandings in various fields. He said that the memorandum of understanding between the two countries on cooperation in the fields of labor employment and social security has been signed and now is the time implementing it. He said “Pakistan is looking forward to its implementation for channelizing the flow of Pakistani manpower to Azerbaijan.” Federal Minister in his meeting highlighted the need to convene the 1st meeting of the Joint Working Group (JWG) constituted under the MoU as soon as possible adding Pakistan fully supports Azerbaijan in the formation of the Labour Centre of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and will sign and ratify its Statute once concurrence of the relevant stakeholders is received. Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan, Sahil Babayev said that both the countries are enjoying good political relations, however, coordination on social and economic aspects needs further improvement. He expressed his grief and sympathies for the flood victims in Pakistan. The Azerbaijani Minister told Sajid Hussain Turi that Azerbaijan is a speedily developing country and it will need skilled manpower to complete various developmental projects. He said that Republic of Azerbaijan would like to learn from Pakistan’s experience in the field of manpower export and requested Pakistani side to extend its support in signing the OIC Labour Center Statue. Minister of Azerbaijan also extended an invitation to his Pakistani counterpart to visit Baku, Azerbaijan to deliberate further on the subject. Federal Minister Sajid Hussain Turi promised full support to his counterpart and said that soon he will be visiting Azerbaijan. Both the sides agreed to enhance the ratio of Pakistani workforce in Azerbaijan. The meeting ended with a note of thanks from both sides.