This is in reference to the news being circulated in the section of media regarding shortage of Petroleum Products in the country.
Spokesperson for Petroleum Division confirms that high sales of petroleum products have been witnessed on 1st May, 2020 and 2nd May, 2020 due to sizeable reductions in price of petroleum products for which petrol pumps did not procure product from Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs).
However, sufficient stocks of petrol and diesel are available to cater for the demand of country. The details are as under:
Useable Stocks (02.05.2020) enough for 15days:
Petrol: 285,000 MTs
HSD: 350,000 MTs
Further, PSO’s 2 x vessels (01 x Petrol and 01 x diesel carrying around 50,000 MTs 55,000 MTs petrol and diesel, respectively) have arrived and going to be berthed on 3rd May, 2020 at Keamari port and Port Qasim.
Therefore, the General Public need not engage in binge buying as sufficient stocks of petroleum products are available in the country. Petroleum Division is working round the clock to facilitate public through dedicated teams to ensure supply and availability of gas and oil across the country.