PR No. 09
Islamabad May 02, 2020

Pakistan has always categorically rejected the baseless Indian allegations of so-called “infiltration attempts” and preposterous claims of targeting of fictional “launch pads.” The Indian propaganda on this account, however, remains incessant. As Pakistan has consistently pointed out, regurgitation of these allegations and spurious claims by India is aimed at diverting the world’s attention from India’s state-terrorism and grave human rights violations in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K). India also seeks to use these allegations as a pretext for launching “false flag” operation and deliberately targeting of innocent civilians along the Line of Control (LoC). To expose the Indian falsehoods to the world, Pakistan has taken neutral observers, journalists, human rights organizations and Islamabad based diplomats to the LoC on several occasions in the past. In October 2019, following the Indian Army Chief’s unfounded allegations and claims, Indian diplomats were also invited to accompany other diplomats to the site of the so-called “launch pads” targeted by Indian artillery. Pakistan also asked the Indian Government to provide coordinates of the allegedly engaged targets. However, while the Indian diplomats failed to turn up for the site visit, the Indian Government failed to provide any coordinates. While India has restricted the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) from visiting IOJ&K and the LoC, there are no such restrictions on UNMOGIP in Pakistan or AJK. Pakistan’s policy and approach is clear as it does not allow use of its soil for any activity against anyone. In this backdrop, Pakistan formally offers the United Nations to approach India for obtaining information of alleged “launch pads” and share the same with UNMOGIP who will be welcomed to move into any area without sharing specifics with the Pakistan government to validate Indian claims. Meanwhile, as the world grapples with the global pandemic, we hope India would act responsibly, cut down on its belligerent rhetoric and aggressive measures on the ground, stop its ceasefire violations and deliberate targeting of civilian population, and enable the UNMOGIP to play its mandated role effectively. This is imperative for peace and stability in South Asia.