PR No. 197
Islamabad: January 28, 2020

Spokesperson of the Punjab Police has said that Punjab Police is targeting High value targets across the province that have played havoc with peace and order in communities. It is going for Quality Proclaimed Offenders who have evaded law for long. It is prosecuting robbers/dacoits by improving evidence collection/recording in case files. He also said that Punjab Police is improving quality of Services through Khidmat Marakiz and free registration of FIR. Rawalpindi Police alone has registered approximately 3000 cases in last 7 weeks. The focus now shall be on detection. Relentless campaign against Criminals, Gambling and Drug dens, he added Qualitative improvement in investigations through supervision, Training and cost of investigations that the government has promised to increase. Spokesperson said the State/Govt. fully backs the Reform effort through its support for merit and induction of resources-soon enough.