The USAID-funded U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCAS-E) at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) hosted a National Conference on Energy Trends. Experts from academia, industry, corporate sector and think tanks participated in this one-day national conference to exchange information and ideas on select renewables, thermal power generation, electrical power system engineering & planning, and energy policy. Pakistan is faced with formidable social, economic, security and governance challenges; and as the new government settles in, a renewed commitment to the founding vision is needed, both to address the current challenges and set out realistic and ambitious targets for the future to ensure that Pakistan succeeds in achieving the proposed sustainable development goals. The conference provided a platform to review the latest national and CPEC related developments, opportunities and challenges in renewable and non-renewable energy sectors and deliberate upon the future trends. Speaking at the occasion, DG Projects - NUST, Major General Muhammad Shahid, (Retired) restated his commitment to make NUST one of the top universities in the world and a research platform to boost a knowledge-based economy in Pakistan. He expressed appreciation for U.S. support to build the Center for Advanced Studies in Energy that will not only contribute to formulating sound energy policies for Pakistan, but also provide highly educated scientists and energy experts particularly in renewables and power systems engineering and planning. The USAID-supported USPCAS-E is a joint initiative between Arizona State University, NUST and UET Peshawar to develop real world solutions to Pakistan’s energy challenges and to educate a new generation of skilled engineers. The partnership is strengthening academic programs in energy, establishing channels to facilitate local and international networking, and establishing a regular policy dialogue between Pakistan’s public and private energy stakeholders. *-*-*-*-*-*-*