A meeting was held on June 14,2018 by the Minster for Power Division to review supply and delivery of electricity. Syed Ali Zafar, the Minster of Energy said that information on exact load shedding hours must be shared along with details of when and how long load shedding is taking place. The Minster reiterated that the delivery system of electricity is flawed and even generated electricity is not fully reaching the end consumer. The transmission and distribution system capabilities enhancement have not taken place.He pointed out that DISCOs have consistently not been able to fully utilize supplied energy and electricity has been unavailable in areas. He also pointed out that a website has been set up http://www.roshanpakistan.pk web site for information of people. By using this site any one can check the status of feeder load management with exact timing and also access to Complaint management system, Load Management Report, Daily Power Position and Theft reporting. The max column includes outages due to shutdowns and faults. *****