PR No. 137 Food Security and Research Minister chaired the 86th Meeting of the All Pakistan Central Cotton Committee in Islmabad. Islamabad: May 23, 2018

Federal Minister for National food Security and Research Sikander Hayat Bosan chaired the 86th Meeting of all Pakistan Central Committee held at Ministry of National Food Security and Research. Before devolution this committee was dealt under Ministry of Agriculture /National Food Security. Prime Minister of Pakistan recently placed it again under our ministry, said by the Federal Minister. He further highlighted that cotton is an important crop but unfortunately it is not given due importance. It was my desire to deal this issue under my ministry to take some positive steps for its growth before end of my tenure. This cabinet provided a great support for this crop. He also said that there are certain issue faced by this crop including water shortage, increase in prices of pesticides. He also said that 18th amendment could not brought results, which were expected. He also instructed to complete all procedure quickly for better functioning of this committee. The Secretary Ministry of National Food Security Mr.Fazal Abbas said that I sent letter to Indus River System Authority to release more water while sowing season. IRSA responded that we distribute water to provinces then provincial irrigation departments further distribute waters. He suggested holding meeting with provincial irrigation departments to discuss this issue. The Pakistan Central committee discussed twelve agendas including, confirmation of the minutes of the 85th meeting of the committee, approval of revised estimates 2017-2018 and budget estimates for 2018-2019,approval of draft advertisements for appointment to the critical vacant posts of PCCC. The meeting was attended by representatives of Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Planning, Chairman Pakistan Agriculture Research Council, Grower member of Baluchistan and official of Ministry of National Food Security and Research. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*