The Ambassador Denmark in Pakistan Mr. Rolf Holmboe has called on the Federal Minister for Power Division, Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Laghari here in Islamabad on Friday. Besides, Ali Mushtaq, Commercial Counsellor from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of, Denmark, other high officials of the Power Division were also present on the occasion. During the meeting, matters related to the cooperation in the field of energy between both countries came under discussion. The Federal Minister apprised the Ambassador regarding the steps which have been taken by the incumbent government to meet the challenges in energy sector. Awais Leghari said that there is lot of opportunities for the entrepreneurs of Denmark to invest in Pakistan. He said that renewable energy is a fast expanding sector and with the opening of competitive bidding the sector will offer best opportunity for the investors. He said that Pakistan has taken decision to call competitive bidding for renewable energy power generation in order to utilize the resources for due benefits to the consumers. The minister also invited the Ambassador to extend their assistance in the establishment of renewable energy institute. Awais Leghari said that new Energy Policy of the Government of Pakistan is at final stages adding that this policy will determine the demand and supply scenario of electricity in the country. The Ambassador of Denmark agreed on extending their bilateral relations and to work collectively on different sectors particularly in Power sector. He said that we want to be the partner with Pakistan to meet the energy challenges. He also admired the significant contribution made by Power division and said that power sector is the fast growing sector in Pakistan. While thanking the Ambassador, Federal Minister further invited him to come forward and work with Pakistan in making new energy policy. The Ambassador said Denmark has greater experience in renewable energy adding that close working will also boost the capacity of energy sector in Pakistan. The Ambassador assured the Federal Minister that the cooperation in the energy sector between the two countries will be enhanced and we will provide further assistance to the Pakistan in the field of energy.