Minister of State for Information Technology and Telecom Anusha Rehman on Friday said that TIP affairs will be streamlined at any cost as per reform agenda of the government and no one will be allowed to create impediments in the implementation of Telephone Industries of Pakistan (TIP) Board decisions in this regard.
While chairing the 190th Board of Directors meeting of TIP, she said that financial and administrative corrective measures which board had taken to streamline the Telephone Industries of Pakistan affairs have given encouraging results and will be relentlessly pursued. She directed the MD TIP to prepare a new medical policy to optimize delivery of health services and reimbursement of medical bills etc. for TIP employees and also devise a mechanism for delivery of utility bills to the consumers so that they will be able to deposit their bills conveniently within due date. The Board besides endorsing the decisions taken in the previous meeting got an update on financial matters of the Company.
The TIP managing director apprised the board the official accommodations had been gotten vacated from illegal occupants and the management is also proceeding against delinquents in accordance with law. He further said that we are taking all corrective measures to put TIP administrative affairs in order but unfortunately mafias of vested interests were creating hurdles in implementation of board decisions by abusing the process of law.
Minister, categorically stated that any violation and noncompliance to board decisions will not be tolerated and all such mafias will be dealt severely in accordance with law. The MD further assured the honorable board that the decisions of the forum will be complied in true letter and spirit.
IT Federal Secretary Rizwan Bashir Khan, Telephone Industries of Pakistan MD Syed Khalid Gardezi, Member Telecom Mudassar Hussain, Member Legal Ameena Sohail, HR Member Tahir Mushtaq and other board members also attended the meeting.