A solemn ceremony of raising national flags of Pakistan and India, the newly admitted SCO states, was held at SCO headquarters in Beijing on 15th June, 2017,says a press release received here today from Beijing.
Welcoming the guests, SCO Secretary General Rashid Alimov said that on 9th June, in Astana, Kazakhstan, the leaders of founding states of SCO made a historic decision to accept Pakistan and India as full- fledged members of the SCO, and from today, eight members will be united by the “Shanghai Spirit”.
The national flag of Pakistan was raised to the tune of national anthem followed by address of Ambassador of Pakistan, Masood Khalid.
He termed 9th June as a historic day, symbolizing the start of a new journey for Pakistan and pledging to work for a shared vision of common development.
Thanking the six founding members of SCO, Secretary General of SCO, Government of Kazakhstan and the Chinese Government, Ambassador said that we shall work together to harness the SCO potential for enhancing regional security, connectivity, economic integration and people to people contacts.
Earlier, the national flag of India was also raised, followed by address of the Ambassador of India.
The ceremony concluded with the “Shanghai Spirit Drum” being hit by Ambassadors of Pakistan and India and a group photo.