H.E. Mr. Adel Elarbi, Ambassador of Tunisia called on Federal Minister for Defence Production, Rana Tanveer Hussain in Islamabad today. Rana Tanveer Hussain warmly welcomed the dignitary. The ambassador talked with Federal Minister about bilateral relations. He also talked about various avenues where both Tunisia and Pakistan can cooperate.
Rana Tanveer Hussain said that relations between Pakistan and Tunisia are generally cordial. He said that ties between the two countries are premised upon religious and historical affinity. Minister expressed a number of framework agreements have been concluded between Pakistan and Tunisia in the spheres of trade, tourism, culture, information and industries.
Rana Tanveer Hussain emphasized that Tunis and Pakistan enjoy excellent relations in all fields. He said that in political field both countries have been cooperating with each other very closely. Tunisia and Pakistan are side by side ever since Tunisia became an independent country. With regards to economic relations, Minister said that there is a definite need to improve and intensify the relations and the export level from both sides needs to be geared up.