PR No. 264
Islamabad: December 26, 2024

Managing Director Pakistan Bait- ul-Mal (PBM), Senator Capt. Shaheen Khalid Butt visits the organization’s Regional Office at Lahore. On the occasion, he chaired an important meeting with the officers and received a detailed briefing about the organization’s pro-poor activities in the province. In a media briefing, Managing Director PBM expressed his passion to serve the vulnerable people of the country and emphasized that all the cases shall be processed on prompt basis. Appreciating the welfare oriented initiatives of the organization, the Managing Director advised the employees to work as a team for the successful execution of all the welfare projects. He also participated in the Christmas ceremony arranged for Christian employees and cut a Christmas cake. Managing Director, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Senator Capt. Shaheen Khalid Butt, is being welcomed by the organization’s officers, during his visit to PBM Regional Office at Lahore on 26-12-2024.