PML N Rawalpindi hosted a heartwarming Christmas celebrations, which were attended by PML N Rawalpindi city leadership including Parliamentary Secretary of Information and Broadcasting Barrister Danyal Chaudhary, MNA Mr. Muhammad Hanif Abbasi, Pastor Adil, former Mayor Rawalpindi Sardar Muhammad Naseem Khan, MPA Raja Muhammad Hanif, MPA Mr. Ziaullah Shah, former MNA Malik Shakeel Awan, MPA Ms. Zaib un Nisa Awan, Mr. Rahat Qudusi, Mr. Safi khokhar and Advocate Waheed Javed. Addressing the event Barrister Danyal Chaudhry said that "our Christian brothers and sisters are a vital part of our nation, and their contributions strengthen Pakistan’s unity. May this Christmas bring joy, peace, and renewed faith to all, as we stand together in harmony and respect". The event symbolized Pakistan’s dedication to interfaith harmony and unity in diversity. The ceremony concluded with the cutting of Christmas cake and prayers for peace, prosperity in Pakistan, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to inclusivity and mutual respect.