PR No. 161
Islamabad: September 17, 2024

Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhry Salik Hussain stated that our lives and properties are all sacrificed for the honor of the Prophet. The teachings of the Holy Prophet guide us towards ethics, self-accountability, and equality. A balanced society cannot be formed without knowledge. He expressed these views while addressing the 49th Seerat Conference organized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony. The Federal Minister further stated that this year's theme for the Seerat Conference is the educational system of the state in light of the Prophet's teachings. Acquiring knowledge holds great importance in Islam; education is essential for every individual, and it is the government's responsibility to facilitate this. Today, Pakistan faces numerous challenges in the education sector; educational institutions exist, but there is a lack of proper training. There is a need to reassess the educational system in the country and devise it according to the teachings of the Prophet so that our future generations not only benefit from knowledge but also are trained according to Islamic principles. The advancements Muslims achieved in later times made them the teachers of the world, allowing people globally to read Arabic books and become aware of the latest research. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not only a spiritual guide but also an exemplary teacher from whom we can learn valuable lessons about what a uniform educational system should be. Today, society may talk about merit, but there is a noticeable absence of integrity. The implementation of ethics in every aspect of life determines the intellectual level and success of an educational system. When there are no CCTV cameras and no check and balance, how do people behave, and what actions do they take? Federal Minister Salik Hussain Chaudhry added that our lives and properties are all sacrificed for the honor of the Prophet. The Supreme Court's decision in the Mubarak Shah case caused outrage among the entire nation. A resolution regarding this was passed in the National Assembly, and the government filed a review petition in the Supreme Court concerning the Mubarak Shah case decision. On August 22, during the Supreme Court hearing, esteemed scholars presented their stance. After a five-hour hearing, the Supreme Court withdrew its decision. The honor of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is something every Muslim would sacrifice their life for. We will ensure that a detailed verdict on the Mubarak Sani case is reached as soon as possible. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar mentioned in his speech that today is very important for the entire nation. I extend congratulations to the entire Muslim Ummah on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (peace be upon him). Today is a day of great joy for Muslims. Our educational curriculum should include more references to the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Education holds immense significance in Islam. Today's topic is "The Educational System of the State in the Light of the Prophet's Life." Knowledge is the light that shows the path to guidance. Only those adorned with the wealth of knowledge and piety attain closeness to God. Acquiring knowledge is a religious obligation, and the first revelation received by the Prophet (peace be upon him) underscored the virtue and importance of education. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) made the Mosque of the Prophet a center of knowledge. Knowledge is the light that teaches a person to distinguish between good and evil. It is also the government's duty to encourage uneducated individuals to seek knowledge. Basic religious education is essential for every Muslim. The educational system should be based on modern scientific knowledge. The Foreign Minister noted that traveling from Arabia to China used to be a mere dream in the past. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to seek knowledge even if you have to go to China. Students should be imparted education in modern scientific knowledge, technology, and other contemporary sciences. Justice is practiced in non-Islamic countries. Because of justice, progress, prosperity, and success are achieved. We need to fill the gaps while adhering to the fundamental principles of Islam. I was the Finance Minister when Nawaz Sharif was Prime Minister, and we became a missile power. It was said that the country would fall into bankruptcy. During our tenure, this country reached a point where the whole world was praising it in just three years and a few months. He further stated that Allah has placed treasures within the land of this country. If we walk on the path set by Allah, this very land will guide us in the right direction. Pakistan has gone through several phases of development, but hidden hands sometimes pull the legs so hard that the entire system becomes chaotic. Federal Secretary for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Zulfiqar Haider, while addressing the gathering, stated that Islam emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge. Promoting dialogue, tolerance, and understanding is the top priority of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The exemplary life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serves as a perfect model. Alongside religious education, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) also placed significant importance on worldly education. In an Islamic state, education is not just a blessing but a fundamental right for every citizen, whether male or female, young or old, irrespective of their social status. He mentioned that an education system based on Islamic principles should ensure that everyone receives quality education, enabling them to fulfill their role as responsible citizens. The educational system of the state should be derived from the teachings of the Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The promotion of knowledge should be regarded as a fundamental right, and the goal should be to adopt a comprehensive understanding of education, prioritizing ethics and development while promoting social equality and justice. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), an Islamic state should be built upon an educated, just, and morally strong society. On this occasion, Federal Minister Chaudhry Salik Hussain and Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar presented awards to the best authors of books in various categories, along with awards for Hamd, Naat, and articles related to the conference, celebrating the life and teachings of the Holy Prophet.