PR No. 203
Federal Health Secretary reviews surveillance for mpox at Peshawar Airport
Peshawar: August 21, 2024

Federal Health Secretary Nadeem Mahbub on Wednesday visited Peshawar airport to assess the ongoing surveillance measures in place to prevent the spread of mpox. During his visit, the federal secretary met with officials from the Civil Aviation Authority, doctors, and other medical personnel to discuss essential health protocols. The Border Health Services team provided the secretary with a briefing on the preventive measures being implemented to safeguard against mpox. The secretary reviewed the system for screening incoming travellers and emphasized the importance of maintaining vigilant health protocols. “Situation regarding mpox in Pakistan is satisfactory,” stated Nadeem Mahboob during the visit. “We have established an effective screening system at airports, utilizing thermal scanners in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO),” he added. The secretary noted that training for health workers has already commenced, ensuring they are equipped to manage any potential threats effectively. He stressed that he personally visited the airport to monitor the arrangements and confirm that the Ministry of Health is continually overseeing the situation. He said the Border Health Services staff is actively engaged in screening travellers, and the Ministry of Health is committed to ensuring all preventive measures against mpox are enforced rigorously. With these strategies in place, Pakistan aims to maintain public health safety amid ongoing international travel, he added.