PR No. 174
Parts of KP, GB and AJK are likely to experience Landsliding & Flash Flooding due to active GLOF events during 19 to 24 Aug 2024
Islamabad: August 19, 2024

National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) of NDMA anticipated heavy rainfall in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir from 19 Aug to 24 Aug 2024. River discharge is expected to increase due to rise in temperature, increased snow melt and heavy rains. NEOC anticipated heavy rainfall in Chitral, Dir, Charbagh, Malakand, Hazara, Mirpur, Mansehra, and Abbottabad Districts of Khyber Pakhunkhwa while Gilgit, Diamir, Nagar and Hunza districts of Gilgit Baltistan. Rains may trigger localized landslides at Karakuram Highway along Hunza, and at risk areas of Nagar, Gilgit, Diamir, Lower and Upper Kohistan. NDMA urges all relevant authorities and the public to take necessary precautions to mitigate the potential impacts of flooding and landslides. NDMA issued instructions to all relevant departments and mobilize resources to ensure a swift response to any arising situation. Tourists are advised to avoid traveling to these areas during forecast season. The public is advised to remain vigilant and follow instructions from local authorities. NDMA advises the public to stay informed and download ‘Pak NDMA Disaster Alert’ mobile app for timely alerts and closely monitor weather reports.