PR No. 72
U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan calls on Federal Minister Engr Amir Muqam, discusses matters of bilateral cooperation & Afghan Refugee repatriation
Islamabad: August 08, 2024

U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan H.E Donald Blome called on Federal Minister for States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON) Engr Amir Muqam and discussed matters of mutual interest particularly issues pertaining to counter-terrorism efforts and the repatriation of Afghan nationals. Secretary SAFRON Zafar Hasan and Joint Secretary SAFRON Agha Waseem Ahmad were also present in the meeting. During the meeting, the Federal Minister expressed gratitude for the United States' longstanding cooperation with Pakistan and emphasized that the U.S. has been an important partner in various sectors, including economic development and humanitarian assistance. The Minister underscored the severe impact of terrorism on Pakistan, noting the immense sacrifices made by the country in terms of both human lives and economic losses. He highlighted that since 2001, Pakistan has lost over 70,000 lives and incurred economic losses exceeding $150 billion due to terrorism. The Minister urged the international community to recognize and support Pakistan's efforts in combating terrorism, particularly the cross-border activities of terrorist groups based in Afghanistan. The Minister said that Pakistan's hosting millions of Afghan refugees, which has not been adequately appreciated by the international community. He emphasized the need for the U.S. and other global partners to assist in the repatriation of Afghan refugees to Afghanistan. The Minister acknowledged the U.S. pledge to resettle up to 125,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2024, including Afghan nationals. The Minister called for increased U.S. assistance for host communities and efforts to create conducive conditions in Afghanistan for refugees' return. US Ambassador Donald Blome reiterated the U.S. commitment to supporting Pakistan's economic development, particularly in improving exports like textiles. He acknowledged the severe impact of terrorism on Pakistan, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The Ambassador highlighted the U.S. humanitarian efforts, noting that the U.S. provides 50% of global humanitarian assistance and remains focused on Pakistan and the refugee situation. He appreciated Pakistan's role in hosting Afghan nationals and supporting marginalized groups. The meeting concluded with both sides expressing a commitment to continued cooperation. The Minister reaffirmed Pakistan's dedication to working with the U.S. and the international community to find durable solutions for Afghan refugees, emphasizing the need for increased support and collaborative efforts. *****