PR No. 258
From Local Roads to International Highways, Federal Minister Inaugurates the export of Indus Motor the “Make in Pakistan” Toyota Vehicles Federal Minister Industries and Production lauded Toyota Indus Motor company ltd on achieving milestone by exporting vehicles Federal Minister for Industries and Production acknowledges role of Toyota in national development
Islamabad: July 31, 2024

Federal Minister for Industries and Production Rana Tanveer Hussain visited Toyota Indus Motor company ltd (IMC) on 31st Jul 2024 at Port Qasim Industrial Estate Karachi. He was accompanied by Mr. Saif Anjum, Secretary MOIP, Mr.Khuda Buksh, CEO EDB and was warmly received by Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Asia, Mr Kazunari Iguchi, CEO IMC Asghar Ali Jamali and other Senior Officials IMC Toyota. While addressing the ceremony, Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister for Industries and Production, congratulated IMC Toyota for achieving milestone by exporting vehicles. He appreciated the IMC management for localization of operations upto 64%, which reflects Pakistan Govt’s vision of innovation and self-reliance. The Minister also acknowledge the role of Toyota in national development by investing 700 Million USD and producing 76000 units. In addition to this, the company contributes 258 billion to the national exchequer which reflects its determination in national development of the country. The Minister also highlighted the company’s proactive approach of reducing CO2 footprints and addressing environmental challenges by producing Hybrid Vehicles. “Such initiatives are example setting for others in the motor industry”, he mentioned. Speaking to the audience in the ceremony, the Minister praised the leadership qualities of CEO IMC Mr. Asghar Ali Jamali and said that his role remained instrumental in steering the company towards these milestones. He praised the role of IMC management and said that their vision and approach in national development is aligned with the Government of Pakistan. Mr Kazunari Iguchi, Executive Vice President, Toyota Motor Asia, added, "The partnership with IMC has been built over time and is immensely fruitful. In Toyota we say that we build people before we build cars, and this step is a testament to the improvement of skill, and training of the human resources from Pakistan. We look forward to continued collaboration and success, allowing us to continue to contribute to Pakistan." CEO IMC Toyota Mr. Asghar Ali Jamali, in their speeche at the ceremony, thanked the Minister and his Government for their unwavering support in making this possible. He said that the management fully aligns itself to the progress and development of the country through their contribution in creating jobs and sustainable growth in auto industry. During his visit to the company, the Minister planted a tree sapling, inaugurated vehicle export unit and was presented a memento by IMC Toyota. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ?