PR No. 161
Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control Gives In-Principle Approval of the National Drug Survey
Islamabad: July 18, 2024

In accordance with the mission to save the future generations from the menace of drugs, Federal Interior Minister and Narcotics Control Mohsin Naqvi has accorded in principle approval to conduct the National Drug Survey. This survey will be conducted after a gap of 11 years. In this regard, Federal Minister for Interior and Narcotics Control chaired a meeting of the "Committee on National Drug Survey" at the Ministry of Interior. The survey will collect data on drug users across the country. The Interior Minister directed that the survey must be conducted in a transparent and professional manner. He further directed that in addition to households data should also be collected from Educational Institution, slums an other areas. He emphasized that accurate data is essential for informed decision-making about drug prevention. He reiterated that Drug prevention is a national issue, and no compromise will be made on it. The Interior Minister directed that survey-related matters should be finalized within 15 days. He tasked ANF and Pakistan Bureau of Statistics to jointly workout the methodology, nature of the required data, sample format and timeline for conducting the survey. He said that International development organizations may also be approached for cooperation in this regard. The last National Drug Survey was conducted in 2013. The meeting was attended by Federal Secretary Interior, Federal Secretary for Planning, Additional Secretary Finance, Special Secretary Health, DG ANF, and Chief Statistician.