PR No. 186
Islamabad: 24, June 2024

The 49th International Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs was inaugurated at the National Center for Physics, Islamabad today. Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, being the Chief Guest, addressed the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of scientific research and international collaboration in driving technological advancements. Prof. Iqbal praised the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for its steadfast commitment to hosting the summer college for nearly five decades. He acknowledged PAEC's vital role in Pakistan’s scientific and technological advancements, particularly in energy production, agriculture, medicine, and industry. He recounted the successful nuclear explosion of May 28, 1998, which was a response to India’s nuclear tests. This achievement, he noted, was possible due to the dedication and sense of mission shared by everyone in the organization, from janitors to principal engineers. He highlighted six key factors that contributed to PAEC's success: a shared sense of mission, continuity of leadership, a merit-based culture, investment in human resources, adequate resources for missions, and functional administrative autonomy. These principles, he suggested, are universal for any organization striving for high performance. Prof. Iqbal stressed the importance of competitiveness in today’s fast-paced digital age, where productivity, innovation, and quality are crucial. He lauded PAEC's contributions to various fields, including energy, healthcare, and agriculture, and emphasized the need to leverage scientific competence to fuel Pakistan’s economic growth. The global market for cybersecurity solutions is expected to reach $345.4 billion by 2026. In response to this trend, the Government has taken strategic steps to support the development of quantum technologies in Pakistan, including partnerships with leading research institutions and industry stakeholders. This year, a National Center for Quantum Computing will be established as the first step in this direction. Prof. Iqbal also highlighted the government’s investments in establishing enters of Excellence in artificial intelligence, cyber security, big data, cloud computing, automation, robotics, and applied mathematics in 2017. These investments, he noted, are preparing Pakistan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with significant potential for economic growth and improved public services. Prof. Iqbal concluded by challenging the nation to connect its intelligence and potential. He called for a vigorous education system, strong academia-industry linkages, and an ecosystem that fosters innovation and research. By doing so, he envisioned Pakistan making significant contributions to global scientific and technological advancements. The International Nithyagli Summer College will continue until July 6, 2024 and will include in-depth sessions on various emerging technologies such as quantum technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and semiconductor technologies and coatings. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ?