PR No. 148
Pakistan hajj mission remains vigilant during mashair days, ensures pilgrim comfort
Islamabad: 18,June 2024

Pakistan hajj mission remained vigilant during mashair days to ensure comfort of pilgrims. Commenting on media queries here on Tuesday, the high-ups of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony has said first of all there has to be an authentic source from where complaints are received about hajj facilities. "We are in the process of compiling these complaints, although no doubt that issues were faced by pilgrims confirmed by our team on the spot, " they said. They explained that from the time pilgrims leave the building for departure to Mina on the night of 7th Zilhijja to the night they return to their buildings on 12th and 13th zilhijja, all the arrangements and control of pilgrim movement is taken over by various agencies, departments of Saudi government and service provider company. They said Pakistan hajj mission's role is limited to coordinating with them and report them any inconvenience faced by pilgrims. They said for any complaint in Mashair (Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifa) Saudi Government also widely publicied help line 1966 which a pilgrim not getting proper services has to call. They were of the view that Pakistan Hajj Mission's Moavineen, Medical and Support staff were deployed in mashair in shifts to assist pilgrims as far as possible in a crowd over 2 million pilgrims and there are various video and other evidences that these people did their best whatever was in their means. They said the mashair area is so tightly regulated that some buses even cover the distance of 20 minutes in 4 to 6 hours, as the overall objective of Saudi Government is to minimize casualities. "Once the Mashair is over the complaints registered by pilgrims shall be analysed to take up the matter with the tawaffa company and Saudi Government for redressal of grivances," they added. They said if one researches the previous hajjs, one would find that hardly any hajj goes without such complaints by not only Pakistan but also other countries who are top ten pilgrimage countries. They said during Mashair days Pakistan hajj mission remained in contact with tawaffa company and Saudi hajj ministry for pointing out inconveniences to hujjaj especially in the situation when mercury touched almost 50 degrees. They said last year Mashir deaths were 12 whereas this year Mashir deaths for Pakistan so far reported are 9 among the overall 35 deaths reported so far. They said there are around more than 25 different Saudi agencies/departments working in compressed space of Mashair to prevent casualities as far as possible. They said after compilation of food, water, tilets and space complaints in Mashair, the matter shall be taken up with Saudi authorities. ******