Embargo: Not to be published/broadcast/telecast before 7th June 2024
PR No. 52
Asif Ali Zardari
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Message on the occasion of World Food Safety Day i.e., 7th June 2024
Islamabad: June 6, 2024

World Food Safety Day is being observed today to catalyze momentum for the alignment of governmental policies and stakeholder actions to ensure food safety. In today’s world, where foodborne diseases and global pandemics are becoming more prevalent, the urgency to take proactive measures to emphasize proper hygiene and protect our food system has never been greater. This year’s theme “Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected” serves as a reminder of the ever-present challenges and uncertainties we face in ensuring the safety of our food supply. Preparing for the unexpected requires anticipating potential risks and vulnerabilities in the food chain and implementing robust measures to mitigate them. It also entails investing in food surveillance systems, strengthening relevant laboratories, and improving emergency response mechanisms to detect and contain food safety threats before they escalate into crises. This day reminds us of the need to strengthen food safety regulations and standards that govern the production, processing, and distribution of food. We can minimize the risk of food contamination and adulteration and ensure food safety by ensuring strict compliance with these standards. Additionally, promoting best agricultural practices can help reduce the likelihood of foodborne diseases and improve the quality of our food supply. Pakistan also needs to invest in research and innovation and utilize the latest technology to address food safety challenges. Modern tools can enable us to identify potential hazards accurately, allowing for more targeted and effective interventions to protect public health. We also need to create awareness among the people about food safety, and clean and hygienic food through the media. This World Food Safety Day highlights the importance of realizing that food safety is a shared responsibility requiring the collective efforts of all stakeholders. We need to adhere to the highest food safety standards for the well-being of our nation. Let us reaffirm our commitment to strengthen our food safety systems, and ensure that everyone has access to safe, clean, and nutritious food.
Embargo: Not to be published/broadcast/telecast before 7th June 2024 ?