World Environment Day – 2024 was celebrated by the National Ozone Unit (NOU) of Pakistan, Ministry of Climate Change & Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) by arranging a Training Programme for Customs & Enforcement Officers on Montreal Protocol and HCFCs Control. The training programme was organized on 05th June 2024 by NOU, MoCC&EC in collaboration with Pakistan Customs at Islamabad. National Ozone Unit (NOU), Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination (MoCC&EC) under the direction & guidance of Mr. Iftikhar ul Hussain Shah Gillani, Additional Secretary/NPD (NOU) as well as the management of Dr. Saleem Janjua, National Programme Manager of National Ozone Unit (NOU) is performing various important activities at the national and international levels in the domain of Ozone, climate change, and other related areas. Dr. Saleem Janjua delivered the Welcome Remarks and presented an overview of National Ozone Unit (NOU) of Pakistan. He explained that the training programme is of immense importance for effective ODSs trade control, supporting national efforts to enforce ODS rules and regulations, and roles of Customs on illegal trade and its prevention. Honorable Madam Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister on Climate Change and Environmental Coordination was the Chief Guest of the event. She appreciated the work being done by the National Ozone Unit (NOU) and efforts being put to meet the objectives of the Montreal Protocol and its subsequent amendments under the management of Dr. Saleem Janjua. She stressed that the training programme arranged by NOU,MoCC&EC is crucial as the role of customs and enforcement officers is essential in monitoring and preventing the illegal trade of ODS. In conclusion, she emphasized the resolve of the incumbent government, guided by the Prime Minister's unwavering commitment to climate action and urged to work together for environment protection and sustainable development. Mr. Asim Rehman, Additional Collector of Customs Academy of Pakistan (CAP) delivered his remarks. He explained the role of Pakistan Customs in ensuring compliance with Montreal Protocol. He emphasized that by integrating environmental considerations into customs operations, customs administrations contribute to global efforts to achieve environmental sustainability and support the implementation of international environmental agreements. He urged all Customs and enforcement officers to take keen interest in the training and enhance their knowledge on the subject matter as it will benefit them in their working. After the remarks session, technical presentations on various topics such as role of enforcement officers in ODS control, data management procedure and reporting, deliberations on proposed MP policy order 2023 for Pakistan, classification of ODS (including HCFCs), and ODS based equipment in trade registry and other related topics were delivered. Customs and enforcement officers attended the training programme with keen interest. Participants understood the need for Ozone layer protection, phasing out of ODS and ensuring compliance with Montreal Protocol (MP). The participants and technical experts emphasized that NOU, through donor agencies' assistance, has done commendable work and need to continue the good work. All government departments and other stakeholders should also continue and accelerate their roles in this regard. The need of the hour remains that all key stakeholders (Government, academia, donor organizations) work in a collaborative manner for combined targets of protecting Ozone from depletion and thus ensuring a safer planet for our future generations.