National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) convened a high-level coordination conference today with various federal and provincial departments and ministries to prepare for the upcoming monsoon season. The conference focused on critical pre-monsoon planning and risk assessment to mitigate potential impacts of seasonal floods and related disasters. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) presented the monsoon seasonal forecast, highlighting regions most likely to be affected by heavy rainfall and potential flooding. The forecast is crucial for planning and response activities. NDMA Tech Team discussed the identification of vulnerable areas susceptible to Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) and the development of detailed hazard maps to illustrate potential flood pathways and impact zones. They also discussed the impact model aims to estimate the areas likely to be affected, the population that may need relocation, and the infrastructure at risk. Technical team of NDMA and Pakistan Meteorological Department Pakistan, forecasted 40 to 60 percent above normal rains throughout the country during monsoon this year. They warned it may cause riverine flooding in low-lying areas. According to the forecast, the areas of North Punjab, South Sindh and Balochistan are likely to be affected due above normal precipitation, while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan, glaciers melting and glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) likely to cause riverine and flash floods. The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination (MoNHSR&C) outlined a comprehensive plan for monitoring and controlling vector and waterborne diseases, which are expected to rise during the monsoon season. The Federal Flood Commission (FFC) provided an update on the telemetry stations network and the early warning mechanisms established along the Kirthar and Suleman Ranges to ensure timely and accurate flood alerts. The conference was briefed by the Pakistan Commission for Indus Waters (PCIW) which discussed the data-sharing protocols for monitoring the Eastern Rivers, emphasizing the importance of inter-agency coordination for effective flood management. The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) presented its flood management strategies for the Tarbela and Mangla dams, including reservoir management and controlled water release protocols. The National Highway Authority (NHA), Rescue services, Provincial Irrigation Departments (PIDs, Representatives from the humanitarian sector, including the United Nations, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), shared their preparedness measures and resource mapping strategies to support disaster response efforts. On the occasion, NDMA Chairman Lieutenant General Inam Haider Malik HI(M) emphasized the importance of a coordinated approach between Federal and Provincial department and ministries for monsoon preparedness. He said "By working together and sharing critical information, we can better protect our communities and reduce the impact of natural disasters.” He said this conference underscores our commitment to proactive disaster management and resilience building. Chairman NDMA underlined the importance of preparedness by learning from past experiences. He highlighted the need for timely training of responders and reviewing stock positions for summer contingencies. This includes tackling heatwaves, droughts, GLOFs, and cyclones. He stressed that proactive measures are essential to mitigate disaster impacts and called for tangible actions before disasters strike. The NDMA will continue to monitor the situation closely and collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to ensure a timely and effective response to any emergencies arising from the monsoon season, he added.