PR No. 192
Islamabad: May 21, 2024

Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal chaired a review meeting on CPEC Phase 2 and the 13th Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) on Tuesday at the Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives. Attendees included the Additional Secretary of the Ministry, senior officials from various ministries, and representatives from federal and provincial ministries. The officials received a comprehensive briefing on the preparations for the upcoming online JCC meeting scheduled for this week. Discussions covered projects related to communications, infrastructure, energy, economic development, agriculture, and the security of Chinese officials working in Pakistan. Addressing the security concerns for Chinese personnel, Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal asserted that ensuring the protection and safety of Chinese personnel, projects, and programs is a top priority for the Government of Pakistan. He highlighted that a comprehensive security strategy has been formulated, and Pakistan will implement effective measures to safeguard Chinese citizens. Minister Ahsan Iqbal emphasized the priority of commencing the bidding process for the ML-1 project without delay and establishing a precise timeline for its timely initiation. Concerning the Mineral Corridor, he directed that efforts should be intensified to finalize the agreement during this JCC session. Additionally, he instructed the organization of sub-working group meetings with Chinese officials to expedite discussions on the Mineral Corridor projects.