PR No. 47
World IP Day Seminar 2024: IP and SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity
Islamabad: May 06, 2024

The Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) in collaboration with The Millennium Universal College (TMUC) celebrated World Intellectual Property Day 2024 with a seminar on "IP and SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity". The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property rights in promoting innovation, creativity, and sustainable development, and to empower citizens with knowledge and skills in IP management. Ambassador (R) Farukh Amil, Chair-IPO Pakistan, delivered the keynote address, emphasizing the significance of mainstreaming IP education into the national curriculum. He urged students to invent, own, and earn from their ideas, and highlighted IP's critical role in national development, economic security, and empowerment, particularly in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He stressed that IP is directly linked to development in numerous ways and is a critical tool for empowerment. Ms. Shazia Adnan, Director General IPO-Pakistan, reaffirmed the commitment to fostering creativity, protecting innovation, and nurturing the innovative spirit. She announced plans to introduce IP education in the national curriculum, a nationwide IP awareness campaign, and the development of a National IP Strategy. She emphasized that today's celebration marks not only a commemoration of past achievements but also a collective commitment to shaping a future filled with innovation, creativity, and prosperity. Dr. Faisalabad Mushtaq, Founder & CEO of TMUC, welcomed the participants, emphasizing the significance of collaboration between academia, industry, and government in promoting IP awareness and protection. He highlighted TMUC's commitment to fostering innovation and creativity among students and entrepreneurs. The seminar featured a panel discussion with experts, including,Mr. Majid Bashir, IP law expert,Ms. Maleeha Mimi Bangash, banking and financial expert,The panelists shared insights on IP's role in achieving the SDGs,Challenges and opportunities in the IP landscape,Strategies for effective IP protection and enforcement. The Q&A session that followed allowed participants to engage with the panelists and discuss their concerns and ideas. The event was attended by Ambassadors, students, entrepreneurs, innovators, and IP professionals, who appreciated the efforts of IPO-Pakistan and TMUC in promoting IP awareness and protection.