Mr. Justice Iqbal Hameedur Rahman, Chief Justice, Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan, administered oath to Mr. Justice Ameer Muhammad Khan as Judge of Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan at Federal Shariat Court Building Islamabad. Mr. Abdul Qayyum Lehri, Registrar of the Federal Shariat Court conducted the proceedings of the ceremony. Honourable Judges of the Federal Shariat Court, Deputy Attorney General for Pakistan, Lawyers, officers, and officials of the Court attended the ceremony. The Oath taking Ceremony started with recitation of Holy Quran and Naat-e-Rasool-e-Maqbool (?). His Excellency, the President of Pakistan, after recommendations by the Judicial Commission and Parliamentary Committee, has been pleased to appoint Mr. Justice Ameer Muhammad Khan as Judge of Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan for a period of three years. His Excellency, the President further pleased to nominate Mr. Justice Iqbal Hameedur Rahman, Chief Justice, Federal Shariat Court to administer oath to the newly appointed Judge.