PR No. 45
“Resolve and commitment of Government and the people of Pakistan has grown stronger for the Kashmir cause with each passing day”
London: February 05 ,2024

“Increase in the use of pellet guns against innocent children is alarming and an extreme human rights violation by occupied forces in the Kashmir valley”; Dr. Mohammad Faisal “Time has not diminished our resolve and support for Kashmiri brothers and sisters who are facing extreme atrocities at the hands of Indian occupation forces”, said High Commissioner of Pakistan to UK Dr. Mohammad Faisal. He was speaking at a Seminar arranged today by the Pakistan High Commission, London on the occasion of “Jammu & Kashmir Solidarity Day”. He lamented that there are extreme violations of human rights in the Valley, where Indian occupied forces are targeting innocent civilians, including children, with pellet guns, and the number of people going blind has alarmingly increased over the years. “The only solution to Jammu & Kashmir dispute is to grant the right of self determination to the Kashmiris, as per the UN Security Council Resolutions, emphasized the High Commissioner. The seminar was attended (in person or via video link) by Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Human Rights & Women Empowerment Ms. Mushaal Hussein Mullick, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, UK’s Members of Parliament including Lord Qurban Hussain, MP Debbie Abrahams, MP Imran Hussain, MP Afzal Khan, Dr. Abida Rafique from Center of International Strategic Studies AJ&K and Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International. MP Debbie Abrahams, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Jammu & Kashmir said that “we will continue to raise voices for the in-alienable rights of the people of Jammu & Kashmir. She warned that the incarceration of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik will affect the geo-political stability and urged the international community to play its role. “Even human rights organizations like Amnesty International are being restrained by Indian Government to hide atrocities in Jammu & Kashmir”, said MP Abrahams. While addressing the seminar, SAPM Ms. Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of prominent Kashmiri Leader Mr. Yasin Malik, said that the world was witnessing a genocide in IIOJK and all lines of communications had been cut off by the Indian Government. The world must condemn this oppression, highlighted Ms. Mushaal. MP Imran Hussain, Vice Chair of APPG on Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan said that India was trying to change the demography of Jammu & Kashmir by acting illegally and against its own laws. Indian Supreme Court could not issue judgements on case related to Jammu & Kashmir, as it was an international issue and not a domestic one, added MP Imran Hussain. “India is seeking support from other global powers to justify atrocities being inflicted on the Kashmiri people. Hence, we also need to unite and gather support for exposing the fascist face of Indian Government before the international community”, stated MP Afzal Khan, Vice Chair of APPG on Pakistan. Other speakers paid rich tributes to the sacrifices of the people of Jammu & Kashmir who have been suffering at the hands of an oppressor forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Earlier, the High Commissioner, along with prominent Kashmiri leaders based in UK, a large number of Pakistani Diaspora and media, visited photo exhibition arranged by Pakistan High Commission London. The photo exhibition portrayed pictorial representation of the atrocities being inflicted upon the innocent people of Jammu & Kashmir. .***