PR No. 41
Ankara : February 5, 2024

An event was organized at Pakistan Embassy Ankara to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day. Every year, February 5th is commemorated as Kashmir Solidarity Day to reaffirm support to the legitimate Kashmiri struggle for realization of their right to self-determination. Chairperson Human Rights Investigation Commission of Turkish Parliament MP Ms. Derya Yanik, Deputy Governor Ankara, Bekir Yilmaz, President Institute of Strategic Thinking Gen. (R) Guray Alpar and representatives of media, think tanks and civil society attended the event. While reiterating Turkish support for Kashmiri legitimate cause of self- determination, , Chairperson Human Rights Investigation Commission of Turkish Parliament , MP Derya Yanik stated that Turkiye has always supported peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute as per the desire of the Kashmiri people and will continue to do so. While expressing concerns over worst human rights situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), she stated it is sad that Kashmir remains as one of the oldest unresolved conflicts in the world. The international system has the ability to resolve any conflict, but unfortunately there is a lack of will and intention when it comes to Kashmir and Palestine. She reiterated that international community needs to play its due role in putting an end to human rights atrocities in IIOJK and implementation of UN resolutions to ensure peace and stability in the region. In his speech, President Institute of Strategic Thinking (SDE), Gen. (R) Guray Alpar stated that the indifference of international community to Kashmir and Palestine is surprising; Kashmiris deserve the basic human right of self-determination, as promised to them by the United Nations. Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid underscored that Palestine and Kashmir represent unceasing situations of foreign occupation in the modern world, where brutal military occupations have not only denied the people of their fundamental right of self-determination but also unleashed a reign of terror on innocent civilians. Kashmir represents an absolute case of hypocrisy, treachery and tyranny at the hands of world’s largest self-proclaimed democracy, India. In the course of history, it is proven that justice may experience delays, yet it remains undeniable and ultimately prevails, he added. Expressing solidarity with Kashmir, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support to people of Kashmir until the resolution of the dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions and aspiration of the Kashmiri people. Ambassador Junaid thanked the people and government of Turkiye for their principled stance on Kashmir, especially H.E President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for highlighting the Kashmir cause at international fora.