PR No. 29 SEMINAR ON KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY Islamabad: February 4th ,2024

To support the Kashmiris struggle for self-determination and to express solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiri people in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), the Embassy of Pakistan in Paris organized a Special Seminar marking the Kashmir Solidarity Day, says a press release received here today from Paris, France. Messages of the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out on the occasion, followed by a documentary focusing on the origin of the Kashmir dispute and the plight of the Kashmiris subjected to gross and systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in IIOJK. Prominent speakers paid homage to the exemplary bravery and sacrifice by the Kashmiri people in their quest for freedom from Indian occupation and self-determination. Similarities were drawn between the Palestine and Jammu & Kashmir disputes as both were stories of grave human tragedies and suffering at the hands of occupying powers, and denial of their right to self-determination as promised to them by the UN and the international community. While condemning India's unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019 as blatant violations of UNSC resolutions and international law, the speakers demanded that the same must be reversed by the Indian Government. Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said that the Kashmir case stood on strong political, legal and moral grounds and Pakistan will continue to extend all possible support to the Kashmiri brothers and sisters for the realization of their just cause. He added that Kashmiri struggle has been kept alive since 1947 and it will stay alive until it succeeds. The Ambassador said the human rights violations remained a big challenge to the conscience of the international community. He appreciated the role played by the Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora in France for supporting the cause of Kashmir. A large number of people representing French nationals, Pakistani diaspora, Kashmiris, academicians, media persons, and other dignitaries attended the Seminar that highlighted the seven decades long legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination in accordance with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir. A pictorial exhibition was also organized to highlight the grave human rights situation in the IIOJK. ?