PR No. 191 Probationary Officers of 51st Common Training Program Visit FBR Islamabad, 31st January 2024

The probationary officers of 51st Common Training Programme (CTP) visited the Federal Board of Revenue Headquarters today as part of their pre-service training activities. The batch comprised 236 officers including 92 female officers. Upon arrival, the probationers were received warmly by officers of FBR and escorted to the auditorium for a briefing.Member Administration Syed Nadeem Hussain Rizvi chaired the session which was also attended by Member Inland Revenue-Operations Mir Badshah Khan Wazir, Member Customs-Operations Dr. Farid Iqbal Qureshi and other senior officers of the Revenue Division. On the occasion, Member Administration briefed the visiting officers about the working, structure and functions of FBR. He apprised them about the revenue collection system and various initiatives and interventions being undertaken to broaden the tax base to tap true tax potential for betterment of the national economy. He also informed about reform measures being introduced to transform FBR into a modern and dynamic organization. Mr. Rizvi also wished the probationers best of luck in their future endeavors. The probationary officers also visited different Wings of FBR for first-hand experience of working of the Division. They evinced keen interest in the functioning of FBR and asked queries for understanding of the tax administration. Later, souvenirs were also distributed among the trainee officers.