PR No. 42
Islamabad: 6th December, 2023

Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal organized a prestigious event of its kind to showcase its initiatives and sustainable projects on Poverty alleviation reduction under the slogan "Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal At A Glance" under the directions and supervision of Managing Director Amir Fida Paracha at the Aiwan-e-Quaid, Fatima Jinnah Park in Islamabad. The event, held from 10:00am to 4:00pm showcased Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal's efforts and its projects through various stalls aimed at poverty alleviation and the way forward. The stalls included Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Women Empowerment Centers, Child Labor Rehabilitation Centers, Pakistan Sweet Homes, Individual Financial Assistance for Medical, Education and Shelter Homes, etc. The central ceremony took place at the hall in Aiwan-e-Quaid. The program featured presentations by children from Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Sweet Homes and Child Labor Rehabilitation Centers, including various tableaus, dramas, speeches, cultural performances, regional dances, and national songs. A large number of ambassadors, parliamentarians, multinational companies, national and international NGOs, teams of electronic and print media, representatives of NGOs and beneficiaries of PBM Projects witnessed the occasion. Addressing the ceremony, Managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, Amir Fida Paracha, explained that the program aimed to market ongoing programs and initiatives of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal to philanthropists, international NGOs, diplomatic missions, multinational companies, and other donor agencies. The goal was to promote collaboration and shed light on the efficiency and functionality of the organization to the donors and philanthropists. Managing Director Mr Paracha emphasized the importance of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal for collaboration with various institutions to maximize its limited resources and services to further expand the domain of social safety nets, tackle poverty challenges, and contribute to poverty alleviation. The event also aimed to attract different donors and philanthropists to share the burden of the government of Pakistan through self- reliance and to combat the menace of poverty by empowering PBM projects in terms of resources with the vision of collaborations as well as partnerships for a noble cause. The donors, philanthropists and other guests lauded the efforts of PBM and the initiatives of Managing Director Mr Paracha for introducing automation, digitalization and other measures for transparency in the department in his short tenure after assuming the charge of Managing Director-PBM. The administrative team of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal made thorough preparations for the event, assigning responsibilities to various officers. The ceremony was attended by Professor Dr. Mahmut Pakas??, Mr Takashi Deputy Head from the Mission of Japan, Mr T?KA Regional Head Mohsin Balci, Turkish Red Crescent representative Ergest Lemka, H.E. Harjanto from the Indonesian High Commission, Mr Amin Abdul Rehman from Qatar charity, representatives from Islamabad and Rawalpindi Chambers of Commerce of twin cities, representatives of All Pakistan Chinese Enterprise and Association, Aruba Salima and Sharon Wang, Han Rongmei, company representatives from G and Z, A, Sayed Sohail Abbas Minister for Health and Law GB Government, Deedar Malik from GB Government and Nisar Ahmad Rajput Deputy Chief Social Wlefare Section Ministry of Planning Commission/ Ministry of planning, Development and Social Initiatives, representatives from British High Commission, Volunteers from Szabist, NUML and other universities of twin cities as well as representatives from various diplomatic missions. Furthermore, the Managing Director Mr Amir Fida Paracha thanked all distinguished guests and stakeholders for their participation in the program.