PR No. 246
Islamabad: November 30, 2023

Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, made it clear that minorities in India were made to live under perpetual fear of life and faith under RSS-inspired Narendra Modi-led government. Mushaal said that the supremacist Hindutva regime had been committing genocide of minorities with impunity and razing and desecrating their religious sites and places as a state policy. Speaking at a seminar “Repression of Minorities in India and Atrocities in Kashmir” organized by Friends of Kashmir International and Kashmir Media Service here on Wednesday, she said that the Indian notorious government unleashed a wave of terror for the last seven decades; however it witnessed alarming upsurge since 2014 as Indian government dropped all semblance of even handedness in dealing with minorities and resorted to majoritarianism aka Hindu Rashtra politics. Mushaal said that since Modi government came into power there had been steep rise in attacks by RSS extremists on Mosques, churches and temples. SAPM on Human Rights and Women Empowerment said that the fascist regime enacted discriminatory laws and had been running media campaign to dehumanized minorities with impunity, adding that systematic dehumanizing pattern was identical to one adopted by majoritarian regimes resulting in worst genocides in history. She went on to say that Hindutva ideologies were bent upon eradicating symbols of minority identity and history especially places of worship, adding that tactics and methods used for the destruction of Babri Mosque had become a preferred model for Hindu extremists and were repeated to target other mosques. Mushaal revealed that in 2021, a total of 294 incidents of hate crime against muslims, Christians and Sikhs were reported in India, as dozens of historic mosques throughout India were under active attack, facing threats of destruction or eviction while over 1600 mosques were facing smear campaign in media, besides burning of hundreds of Churches in Manipur. She stated that the minority bashing was a patent tactic of RSS and was used to mobilize Hundu community, seeking to establish Hindu supremacy, adding that Islamophobia and vilification of Muslim and Christian population as political agenda. Mushaal said that around 100 religiously and politically motivated incidents of violence against Christians were occurred annually, besides Dalit Christians were the prime target of physical violence. SAPM on Human Rights and Women Empowerment pointed out that notorious government’s coercive measures could be judged from the fact that over 24, 496 religious sites were taken under control of the government body. She lamented that Indian judiciary continued to complicit against perpetrators of genocidal call, discriminations, violence and discriminatory laws against target religious minorities. Similarly, she said that Sikhs had faced religious discrimination, persecution, sacrilege of the Holy places and massacre in India. Mushaal highlighted that the Indian notorious terrorist networks expended to continents, which could be judged from the fact from cold-blooded murder of Sikh leader in Canada and the failed murder plot of another Sikh leader in the US. The SAPM called upon that the world comity should demand India to uphold its commitments to human rights being party to “International Covenant on Civil and political Rights”. She urged that the UN should fulfill its obligations and force Indian government to honour UN’s declarations and protect existence of national or ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identity of minorities within their respective territories and encourage conditions for promotion of that identity. Mushaal alarmed that the rogue Indian state became a threat to the world peace; hence it was high time the world powers should take strong punitive measures against the terrorist state so as not only to protect the minorities from the Indian state terrorism but to ensure resolution of Kashmir dispute once and for all.