PR No. 176
National Commission on the Rights of Child Urges Political Parties to Prioritize Child Rights in Manifestos
Islamabad: November 23, 2023

In commemoration of World Children's Day, the National Commission on the Rights of Child (NCRC) has called upon all political parties in Pakistan to prioritize child rights by incorporating a dedicated chapter on the "protection, promotion, and fulfillment of child rights" in their manifestos. Citing the National Commission on the Rights of Child Act, 2017, which empowers the NCRC to review laws, investigate violations, and advise the government on legislative and policy matters related to children's rights, the Commission stressed the crucial role of political parties in shaping policies and advocating for legislation that safeguards the rights of children in Pakistan. The letter, addressed to mainstream political parties, highlights the pressing issues faced by children in the country, including child labor, child trafficking, child marriage, physical and sexual abuse, high rates of out-of-school children, and child mortality. Pakistan currently struggles with one of the world's lowest birth registration rates. On World Children's Day, the NCRC calls upon Political parties to take immediate and decisive action to end these atrocities and ensure that every child in Pakistan is guaranteed their fundamental rights and protection under the law. The NCRC specifically recommends the inclusion of a dedicated chapter in party manifestos, addressing key priority areas such as increasing enrollment to reduce out-of-school children, strengthening the legal and policy framework around child labor and child marriage, increasing birth registration, and ensuring child-centric budgeting. The Commission also extends guidance and support in crafting effective policies and strategies to the political parties. "On this World Children's Day, let us commit to rewrite the narrative for every child in Pakistan. Their rights are not negotiable, and their dreams are non-negotiable. Together, we must ensure our manifestos reflect the promise of a childhood free from exploitation, filled with education, protection, and opportunities. Their future is our responsibility, and on this day, we declare that no child will be left behind." stated the NCRC Chairperson Ayesha Raza Farooq. The Commission awaits responses from political parties, anticipating a collective effort towards eradicating child rights violations and creating a brighter future for the nation's youth. *-*-*-*-*-* ?