PR No. 148
ISLAMABAD: November 20, 2023

NAB (Balochistan) in collaboration of Mir Chakar Khan Rand University organized a seminar on the Role of students in the eradication of corruption. Director General NAB (Balochistan) Mr. Zafar Iqbal Khan was the chief guest of the seminar, while the other guests were the host Vice Chancellor Jan Wash Kareem, Pro VC Mr. Mushtaq Shahid, Director NAB Dr. Muhammad Rashid, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Khuda-e-Raheem, Controller of University Prof. Abdul Naeem, SSP Inayattulah Bangulzai, Deputy Director NAB Mr. Khurram Shehzad, faculty members and a large number of university students witnessed the event. During the seminar, Controller of the University Professor Abdul Naeem welcomed the Director General NAB and other participants on their arrival at the University and expressed their views on the topic. Senior Superintendent of Police Mr. Inayatullah Bengalzai in his address against corruption exhorted the students to live their lives according to Islamic teachings. We fulfill the rights of Allah but we are far away from the rights of the people and this is causing the destruction of our social life. We need to improve our education system and teach our children about the effects of corruption so that they can control this scourge. He described lying as the root of all evils and a major cause of corruption. During the seminar, Deputy Commissioner Khuda-e-Rahim while addressing the students said that undoubtedly corruption dominates all evils and it is hollowing out our society day by day. He said that students should know about corruption and the implications of corruption. He added that students have always played the best role in the development of any society. They are shaping the destinies of their countries with their strong hands. Chief guest of the event, Director General NAB Zafar Iqbal Khan, while addressing the students, gave them an example of developed countries. He uttered that corruption is dealt with with iron hands in developed countries. There is a social boycott of the persons who commit corruption. Hence it is minimized there and that’s why developments are increasing day by day. He said that we always talk about the corruption of others, while we have to adopt self-accountability. DG NAB requested the students to be a part of NAB's anti-corruption awareness campaign and raise their voice against corruption. The sole purpose of Seminar is that the general masses become the voice of NAB in its fight against corruption. Giving an example from the past, he said that in earlier times, corruption was considered very bad, people used to boycott the corrupt elements, but it is sad to say that now corruption has become norms in our society. DG NAB told the students that the eradication of corruption is possible only through education and anti-corruption awareness campaigns so that they can organize and work for the improvement of the system. Former Chief Minister Ghous Bakhsh Barozai also urged the participants of the seminar to play their role to eradicate corruption. The host of the event, Vice Chancellor Jan Wash Karim, in his concluding remarks, thanked the DG NAB (Balochistan) and other participants who organized the seminar in the university. While addressing the students, he said that we have to understand the effects of corruption and corrupt practices, this disease has become deeply embedded in our society. He exhorted the students to make the pursuit of education their motto so that they can be a part of a corruption free society and play their role well. Giving an example from the past, he said that in the 1960s, people used to come to Pakistan from China in search of employment, but by taking measures against corruption, they made their country developed. Calling students the last hope for the development of Pakistan, the Vice Chancellor said that we need to learn from our mistakes and raise our voice against corruption. The speakers once again thanked all the participants who spared their valuable time from their busy schedules to participate in the seminar. At the end of the seminar, a public walk against corruption was also organized in which the chief guest and other participants participated.