The Prime Minister of Pakistan has expressed deep concern over the unwarranted delays in completion of project titled "Replace and Upgradation of HVAC Plant Room Equipments and Allied Works at PIMS, Islamabad". After showing dissatisfaction over the reports from Ministry of Housing and Works and Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination regarding the delays in completion of the project the has been sent to Prime Minister's Inspection Commission (PMIC) for ensuring effective supervision of the project. 2 The Chairman PMIC, Brig. (Retired) Muzaffar Ali Ranjha assigned the task to inquiry team headed by Mr. Zahir Shah Member PMIC for vigorously persuading the project and its completion at the earliest. The team visited PIMS on Wednesday, 15th November 2023 and inspected the ongoing work of the HVAC regarding installation of the centrally air conditioning of the whole buildings of PIMS. The administration of PIMS, the officers of PWD and Contractors were present during the inspection. The team was not satisfied with the progress made by the contractors and PWD. Directions were given during the visit for speedy and effective completion of the project which has been significantly delayed. 3 The PMIC team has stressed for completion of the project on war footing and committed to monitor the progress on weekly basis. A preliminary report will also be submitted to the Prime Minister's Office in this regard. *-*-*-*-*