PR No. 150 FBR Launches IRIS 2.0, Redefining User Experience & Efficiency Islamabad: July 27, 2023

Mr. Asim Ahmad, Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)/ Secretary Revenue Division launched IRIS 2.0, an upgraded version of the tax filing system developed by Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) at the FBR Headquarters, Islamabad on July 27, 2023. On this occasion, Member IR Operations, Member IT, CEO PRAL and Chiefs / Secretaries of IR & IT wings were also present. IRIS 2.0 marks a significant milestone in tax administration with improved user experience, enhanced efficiency, and cost saving for the FBR. IRIS 1.0 and its successor IRIS 1.1, while pioneering, faced several challenges which impacted its performance and user satisfaction in addition to its costly hardware requirements during peak loads. Addressing these concerns head-on, IRIS 2.0 has undergone a major transformation, with focus on robust backend enhancements and an intuitive frontend design, ensuring a seamless experience for both users and the FBR. This was made possible with the leadership and directions of Chairman FBR, Member IR Operations and Member IT by transforming technologies, updating PRAL culture and optimizing PRAL teams. By upgrading to IRIS 2.0, the FBR will enhance its tax filing operations for achieving greater efficiency, and significantly reducing hardware expenditures. Ultimately, the improved user experience will elevate overall user satisfaction, making IRIS 2.0 a valuable asset for the FBR. IRIS 2.0 is indicative of the FBR and PRAL’s resolve to utilize cutting-edge technology for improved service delivery and greater efficiency. It reflects the vision of the Chairman FBR Mr. Asim Ahmad to see FBR as modern, technology-driven and efficient organization, in the best service of the nation. ***** ?