PR No. 07
Speaker Ashraf pays rich tribute to Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on his 44th death anniversary
Islamabad: April 03, 2023

Raja Pervez Ashraf has said that Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a leader who embodied the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. He was a man of great intellect, courage, and vision who fought tirelessly for the rights of the poor, the marginalized, and the downtrodden, he added. His leadership and vision were instrumental in shaping the course of our national history, remarked Speaker in his message on the eve of 44th death anniversary of the great leader, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Speaker emphasized that Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto played a pivotal role in the drafting and adoption of the Constitution of Pakistan in 1973. Shaheed Bhutto took a leading role in the constitutional reform process and his government was instrumental in bringing about the first democratic Constitution of the country in 1973. Raja Pervez Ashraf said that Shaheed Bhutto's life, his vision, and his remarkable contributions to our nation vision of a democratic, progressive, and prosperous Pakistan lives on today. He continued, "We must rededicate ourselves to his vision and to the ideas of democracy and social justice that he stood for as the nation remembers him on this day. Shaheed Bhutto's legacy continues to serve as an example for all of us. He was a leader who put the interests of the people first. He diligently strived to empower the people because he believed in their ability to make a difference”. The speaker said, "Let us also remember his message of optimism and his devotion to the people of Pakistan today as we remember him." Let's reaffirm our dedication to the democratic and socially just principles he fought for. And let's keep working to create a better and more promising future for our country following the golden principles enshrined in the Constitution.