PR No. 03 Islamabad: April 01, 2023

The Speaker National Assembly Raja Parevez Ashraf has said that enlightened and moderate Islam was framed as a conservative and extremist religion as per a well thought conspiracy. The existence of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A) is a reflection of Islam’s ideology of women empowerment. The endorser of the very first revelation (Wahi) of Islam Hazrat Khadeeja had developed the biggest business empire of the Arab world and entitled herself to be renowned as Tahira the purest lady. However, if west is unaware of the great personality of Hazrat Khadeeja then it certainly involves the negligence of Muslim Ummah. Protection of the signs and services of Mashaheer e Islam are the key to eliminate intolerance and disappointments. Commemorating the days attributed to Mashaheer e Islam and highlighting their pious characters is an achievement of Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi. He said this in his presidential address to the Maleeka tul Arab Conference held under the auspices of Mukhtar Organization Pakistan in connection with the death anniversary of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadeeja tul Kubra (S.A) that was participated by renowned dignitaries of different schools of thought, poets, political, social and religious scholars who offered extraordinary tributes to the services of Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A). Addressing to the conference the Secretary General of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqah Jafariya Allama Bisharat Hussain Imami said that Almighty Allah praised Hazart Khadeeja (S.A) in the holy Quran. Hazrat Khadeeja (S.A) did not only strengthened the foundations of Islam but also trained her progeny in a way to ensure eternal protection of Islam. Addressing to the conference, Syed Muhammad Ali Gillani the Sajjada Nasheen of Hazrat Barim Imam Kazmi (R.A) said that along side Zikr e Hussain (A.S), the ideology of Imam Hussain (A.S) must also be highlighted. Member National Assembly Haneef Abbasi said that the personality of Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A) is a role model for the women of every era. Divsional Kahateeb Jammat e Ahl e Sunnah Pakistan Hafiz Iqbal Rizvi said that following the pious character of Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A) provides guarantee for the success in the world and the hereafter. Sahibzada Usman Ghani said that every Muslim is obliged to the services of Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A). Peer of Mohra Shareef, Peer Mujtaba Farooq Gul Badshah said that history stands witness on the sacrifices of Hazrat Khadeeja (S.A) who sacrificed her entire wealth on Islam. Appreciating the efforts of Mukhtar Organization Allama Shakeel Akhtar said that MO is doing that great service that was earlier performed by Mukhtar Saqafi (R.A). Europe achieved the glory by preserving their historic cultural heritage and ancient books. Muslims must also preserve their precious history. Peer Liaqat Ali Naqshbandi, Mehmood Saharnpuri, Professor Abdul Hameed Madni also addressed the conference. Mukhtar Organization’s Secretary for Research and development Zulqarnain Haider Jameel presented the historic account of Jannat ul Muallah, and Jannat ul Baqi’s destruction. The Co-Chairman of Mukhtar Organization Pakistan Syed Hassan Kazmi presented the declaration of the conference which declared to confront economic challenges by following the sacred character of Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A) and adopting the spirit of Sheb e Abi Talib (A.S). The declaration also demanded to form International Khadeeja al Kubra Commerce University and Islamic Trade Organization on the pattern of WTO. The declaration urged Muslim Ummah to formulate a joint strategy to handle challenges like the freedom of Kashmir and Palestine, restoration of holy shrines, and economic crises faced by several Muslim countries. The declaration demanded to strengthen OIC as the foremost step. The declaration demanded implementation of Moosavi-Junejo agreement to promote Shia Sunni unity in accordance with the policy of Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi and ensure deliverance of rights to all schools of thought. The declaration supported the actions of Saudi government taken to eliminate extremism and demanded to reconstruct and restore holy shrines of Jannat ul Baqi and Jannat ul Mualla associated with the holy Prophet’s Ahl ul Bait (A.S), Umhaat ul Momineen (R.A) and pious companions and particularly that of Ummul Momineen Hazrat Khadeeja al Kubra (S.A). The declaration welcomed the restoration of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia and termed the unity of Muslim Ummah as the key to resolution of the problems. The declaration demanded from all patriotic forces and national institutions to operate within their constitutional boundaries, prefer national interest over personal and political interests. The declaration also demanded to purify national educational curriculum from all kinds of biases and discrimination. The declaration termed the criminal laws amendment bill a violation of the constitution of Pakistan and stressed upon stopping misuse of the laws. The declaration also demanded to discourage attempts of imposing ideologies of one school of thought on others and expressed complete solidarity with armed forces of Pakistan by condemning negative propaganda against important institutions. The declaration demanded to ensure implementation of all points of the National Action Plan to eradicate terrorism and ensure lasting peace. The declaration also demanded to provide equal opportunities to women. President Mukhtar Organization Pakistan Syed Samar ul Hassan Naqvi expressed gratitude to the participants of the conference.