Not for telecast/broadcast before 25 March, 2023 PR No. 165
Message from Honorable Chairman; Senate of Pakistan Earth Hour March 25, 2023 Islamabad: March 24, 2023

“It gives me immense pleasure to acknowledge the efforts of WWF-Pakistan team as Governments, Individuals, and Organizations from 190 countries, across the globe, join hands to combat climate change and protect the environment. This partnership for our planet is a powerful representation of our individual and shared responsibility in creating a sustainable world. I urge all citizens to participate in Earth Hour and be a part of the change. Let’s demonstrate our commitment towards protecting the environment and combating climate change. Let’s use this hour to reflect on the impact of our actions on the planet and take meaningful steps towards a sustainable future. Let it be ‘An Hour reminding us to make all other hours count’. Pakistan is committed towards promoting sustainable development and will continue to work with the international community to address this global issue. Together, we can make a positive impact on the planet and create a better present and a great future.” ***** Not for telecast/broadcast before 25 March, 2023