PR No. 111
ISLAMABAD: March 16, 2023

Mr. Chang Chun, CEO China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd, (CSCEC) called on Iftikhar Ali Shallwani, Federal Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Works. During the course of meeting, detailed discussion was carried out regarding construction of low cost housing units as well as upgradation of slums for the low income citizens of Pakistan across the country. In this regard, an MoU has already been signed in September 2021 between CSCEC and Ministry of Housing and works. The said MoU remained effective for one year. Mr. Chang Chun, requested for the renewal of MoU and inclusion of housing and construction sector within the scope of CPEC. Iftikhar Ali Shallwani said that the Government of Pakistan is looking forward to seek Chinese investment in construction and housing sectors to undertake mega projects that will also create extensive job opportunities in the country and will ultimately promote the economic development of Pakistan. Secretary housing extended his full support to further strengthen cooperation with China in the fields of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Both sides also agreed to start working on the new MoU for Urban regeneration and upgradation of slums through a safe, decent, and affordable vertical Housing projects in Pakistan. Representatives of Law Ministry, Economic Affairs Division, Communication Ministry and Ministry of Housing and Works also attended the meeting.