PR No. 212
ISLAMABAD; December 26, 2022

Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) releases first installment to the deserving families in Lahore, under the “Orphans and Widows Support Programme (OWSP)”. Managing Director of PBM, Amir Fida Paracha launched the programme by releasing the payments of first month, in a ceremony organized at Lahore Highlighting the project, Managing Director PBM, Amir Fida Paracha told that the widows registered under the Benazir Income Support Programme have been connected with OWSP with the condition of having one or more school going orphan girls. Mr. Paracha said this initiative translates the distinctive and compassionate idea of taking care the orphan girls providing them education and other basic needs of life. “Ensuring transparency and efficacy in this project, the payments are released through UBL OMNI Digital Banking.”, he added while explaining that monthly stipend of Rs.6000/- is granted to the mother having on school going orphan girl while Rs.10,000/- per month is given to mother of more than one school going orphan girls. Managing Director PBM, Amir Fida Paracha also reiterated his passion to materialize the vision of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed) for the wellbeing of vulnerable populace of the country. On the occasion, 84 deserving families were offered first monthly payment for the education and upbringing of their orphan girls.