PR No. 199
Islamabad; December 23, 2022

Pakistan Embassy Abu Dhabi hosted a Christmas Day celebration at the Embassy premises today. A number of Pakistani Christian community members participated in the event, which was marked inter alia by special prayers. It was recalled that 25 December had a special significance as it also marked the birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, says a press release received here today from Abu Dhabi. Addressing the gathering Ambassador of Pakistan to the UAE, Faisal Niaz Tirmzi highlighted that the constitution of Pakistan, in line with the Quaid’s vision, enshrines freedom and safeguards for all communities living in Pakistan. The Government’s policies are geared towards empowering the minority communities to play their role in national life as equal citizens and fostering interfaith harmony. “Jesus Christ is equally revered by both Christians and Muslims and his teachings of love, peace and tolerance are a beacon of light not only for Christian community but also for the whole humanity. There is utmost need today to embrace and implement the message of love and tolerance for a peaceful world”, said Ambassador Tirmizi. He recalled the contribution of Justice A.R.Cornelius, Col S.K Tressler, F.E Chaudhry and other successful member of Pakistani community and lauded their contribution towards Pakistan’s progress and development.