PR No. 138
Joint Communiqué on Official Visit of President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon to Islamic Republic of Pakistan ISLAMABAD; December 14, 2022

1. On the invitation of Prime Minister H.E. Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon paid an official visit to Pakistan on 14-15 December 2022. 2. During the delegation level talks, the two leaders exchanged views on a wide range of issues of bilateral cooperation, as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest. 3. Both the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepen the existing fraternal ties between the two countries which are based on a shared history, culture, geographical contiguity and common faith. 4. The leadership of the two countries expressed satisfaction on the steady growth and momentum of the bilateral relations and agreed to enhance these relations towards a strategic cooperation for mutual benefit of the two countries and their peoples. The two leaders agreed that the Strategic Partnership Agreement, which will further enhance bilateral cooperation, should be finalized at the earliest and be signed during the visit of Prime Minister of Pakistan to Dushanbe next year. 5. The Prime Minister of Pakistan and the President of Tajikistan exchanged felicitations on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations. 6. The two countries enjoy excellent bilateral cooperation at the multilateral forums including the UN, SCO, OIC, ECO and CICA. It was agreed to further boost multilateral cooperation for global and regional peace, stability and sustainable development. 7. The Prime Minister of Pakistan supported nomination of the Republic of Tajikistan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2028-2029 and appreciated Tajikistan’s support for Pakistan’s candidature to the same body for the term 2025-26. 8. The Prime Minister of Pakistan highly appreciated efforts of the President of Tajikistan as one of the founders of the SCO and expressed support for his initiative to establish the SCO Anti-Drug Center in Dushanbe. 9. The Prime Minister of Pakistan underlined the importance of engagement with Tajikistan under Pakistan’s “Vision Central Asia” policy which is based on the five pillars of bilateral cooperation i.e. political, trade & investment, energy & connectivity, security & defence and people-to-people contacts. Both sides welcomed Pakistan’s initiative to hold Regional Connectivity Summit early next year. The Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s support to Tajikistan for its membership in Quadrilateral Traffic in Transit Agreement (QTTA). 10. Noting efforts of the Central Asian states aimed at establishing on atmosphere of good-neighborliness, trust and friendship in the region, the Prime Minister of Pakistan welcomed holding of the fifth anniversary of the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in the Republic of Tajikistan on September 14-15, 2023. 11. Satisfaction was expressed on the existing inter-parliamentary cooperation and it was agreed to have regular visits of parliamentary delegations to forge fruitful and further enhanced bilateral ties. 12. The two sides agreed to enhance bilateral economic ties by exploring new avenues, opportunities and ventures. In this regard, both sides held discussions on early establishment of road, rail and air connectivity between the two countries through active consultations at expert level in relevant fields. 13. The two leaders also noted with satisfaction the progress made through the Joint Working Groups (JWGs), which were constituted earlier to boost bilateral cooperation in multifaceted fields particularly trade, investment, transport, energy, culture and tourism. The two sides agreed to convene meetings of these JWGs regularly to follow up on the exchanges. 14. The two sides expressed readiness to hold the 7thSession of Pakistan-Tajikistan Joint Commission on Trade, Economic and Scientific Technical Cooperation in Islamabad, at an early date. The two leaders expressed satisfaction on the existing cooperation within the framework of this agreement and re-affirmed the commitment to regularly hold its meetings to further strengthen economic ties. The two leaders further resolved to substantially enhance bilateral trade which is currently not commensurate with the level of political relations. 15. The two leaders reaffirmed early finalization of the flagship power project CASA-1000. They agreed that completion of the project would open new avenues for future energy corridors, leading to prosperity for the whole region. They emphasized the need to fully tap the vast potential in the fields of energy, connectivity, agriculture and industry. 16. The Prime Minister informed the Tajik President about the operationalization of Gwadar seaport and offered Tajikistan the opportunity to avail themselves of the facility of Pakistani seaports and CPEC. He highlighted that the Pakistani seaports offer the most efficient, shortest and economic route for the Central Asian countries including Tajikistan to the markets in Middle East and beyond. 17. The Tajik President, noting potential and experience of Pakistan in the field of investment and new technologies, invited the Pakistani side to actively participate in the creation of joint ventures in Tajikistan, on the basis of existing industrial enterprises and free economic zones. 18. The two leaders noted the gradual development of bilateral cooperation in the fields of counter-terrorism and security. They reiterated their resolve to further enhance the same in order to overcome security challenges faced by the two countries and the region. The two sides condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. Both sides appreciated their respective contributions and sacrifices in the global fight against terrorism. They emphasized the need to enhance cooperation in counter-terrorism, combating trans-national organized crimes, human and drug trafficking. The two sides expressed concerns on the new and emerging threats posed by rise in terrorist attacks on the basis of xenophobia racism, radicalization, and other forms of intolerance, or in the name of religion or belief. 19. The Prime Minister of Pakistan appreciated the efforts of the Republic of Tajikistan to promote multilateral cooperation in countering terrorism and it’s financing in the Central Asian region and holding together with UN high-level international conferences in the framework of Dushanbe Process. 20. The Prime Minister of Pakistan expressed gratitude to the Tajik President for the flood-relief assistance. The Tajik President expressed the hope for early re-construction of infrastructure and re-habilitation of the displaced people. The two sides termed climate change as an existential threat and re-affirmed to make concrete and strenuous efforts to mitigate and adapt to the adverse impact of climate change. 21. The two leaders called upon the developed countries to adhere to their commitments, take the lead role in reduction of emission of greenhouse gases and fulfillment of their commitment to mobilize adequate climate finance, in order to ensure the sustainable development of developing countries. 22. Prime Minister of Pakistan acknowledged the leadership role of Tajikistan in the field of water diplomacy by emphasizing the need for better management of water resources and congratulated him for successful organization of the Second UN Water Conference in Dushanbe in June, 2022. 23. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, taking into account the negative impact of global climate change on the glaciers, supported the proposal of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to declare 2025 the International Year of Glacier Conservation and the creation of the International Foundation for The Protection of Glaciers. He welcomed the planned adoption of the relevant United Nations General Assembly resolution and the High-level Conference on the issue of the protection of glaciers to be held in Tajikistan in 2025. 24. The two leaders exchanged views on the rise of Islamophobia world-wide and expressed support for the joint initiatives and collective efforts of the OIC to combat this scourge. They welcomed the designation of 15 March as the International day to combat Islamophobia by the UN General Assembly. 25. The Tajik side appreciated Pakistan’s continued humanitarian, material and technical support for Tajikistan’s development and progress. The President also appreciated the excellence and expertise of Pakistani institutions in learning and training of professionals, in a range of fields. Both sides agreed to further enhance educational cooperation by exchanging and awarding scholarships to the students of both countries. 26. On Afghanistan, the two sides agreed that a peaceful, prosperous, interconnected and stable Afghanistan is fundamental to regional prosperity and progress. They considered it important for Afghanistan to have an inclusive government. 27. In order to further deepen and diversify the bilateral relations, a number of Agreements & MoUs were signed. 28. The two leaders expressed confidence that the understanding reached during the talks would further deepen cooperation between the two countries. The President of Tajikistan thanked the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the warm and gracious hospitality extended to him and his delegation. 29. The President of the Republic of Tajikistan invited the Honorable Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan to visit Tajikistan at a convenient time. Signed in Islamabad on 14th December 2022