PR No. 85
Message from Dr Arif Alvi President Islamic Republic of Pakistan (On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day i.e., December 09, 2022) Islamabad: 09 December 2022

On International Anti-Corruption Day, Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to eliminate corruption in all its forms and manifestations and promote transparency and accountability in our governance system. Corruption is a serious challenge faced by both developing and developed countries and requires consistent efforts, effective monitoring and controls, committed leadership, and an active civil society to curb this menace from society. The scourge of corruption and its various manifestations, moral or financial, are responsible for some of the gravest threats facing our nation. Corruption contributes to instability and poverty and is a dominant factor driving fragile countries towards state failure. Fighting corruption is a serious concern for developing countries, especially Pakistan, as it weakens security, hinders economic growth, deprives the nation of precious and scarce public and private resources, creates social and economic disparities, erodes the economic edifice of society, and weakens state institutions. International Anti-Corruption Day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made over the past years in the fight against corruption, but also to think about the work that remains to be done in the years ahead. Elimination of corruption is a mission but we will not succeed in this fight unless we are fully committed to its elimination, and are guided by the ingenuity, expertise and energy of those who are on the frontlines of this fight. Although Pakistan has taken a number of actions to eliminate corruption and ensure accountability, however, much needs to be done in this regard. The fight against corruption cannot be won unless all segments of society join their hands in the efforts to uproot corruption. The role of civil society is also very critical in detecting the root causes of corruption, exposing corrupt acts, shifting social norms, and mobilizing support for ambitious reforms based on moral values, justice, fairness and equal opportunity for all. When anti-corruption efforts are well-rooted, they are more likely to be effective and sustained. It is, therefore, vital that we come together with a collective response to eradicate corruption. Enhancing parliamentary oversight and constructing a legislative framework that deters corrupt practices and promotes transparency is essential in addressing corruption. Enhancing the capabilities of criminal justice institutions to investigate and prosecute corruption is also crucial to exposing malign influence. In addition, procurement processes that comply with international anti-corruption standards will ensure a level playing field for investors. Most importantly, a robust civil society and free press are critical to hold public officeholders responsible for their actions. It is high time to unite the role of key stakeholders and individuals in the elimination of corruption by sharing best practices and examples of preventing and countering corruption worldwide. This could be achieved by strengthening international cooperation against corruption, tackling linkages with other forms of crime, enabling the recovery and return of stolen assets, developing innovative solutions, advancing prevention through education, leveraging youth engagement and mobilizing allies in civil society, academia and the private sector in line with the dictates of United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Once again, we reaffirm our commitment on this day to eliminate corruption, promote transparency and accountability, and purge this evil from society. I am hopeful that Pakistan can emerge as a strong and prosperous nation if we make committed, concerted and sincere efforts to root out this menace from our society.