Mr. President, As a young nation, Pakistan has over 80 million children. We are most conscious that our development policies, programmes and interventions must focus on equipping our future generation to build a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan. 2. Like other developing countries, Pakistan confronts structural and systemic challenges in providing the basic needs for development, including for our children. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate induced natural disasters, including recent epic floods, spiraling prices of food and energy and security challenges, have severely constrained our ability to respond to the goals of ensuring the nutritional, health, education and other needs of our children, particularly the most disadvantaged among them. 3. In these challenging times, Pakistan’s continued cooperation with UNICEF is critical to realize the needs and aspirations of our children and our future generation. Mr. President, 4. We take note with appreciation of Pakistan’s draft Country Programme for the period 2023 to 2027. During the process of formulating the programme, UNICEF has conducted extensive consultations, and has taken into consideration the priorities and concerns of all stakeholders at the national level. I am certain that such collaboration between Pakistan and UNICEF will be further strengthened at all levels for the successful implementation of the Programme. 5. Let me make a few points in the context of the draft Country Programme Document: First, we observe that out of the total US$ 900 million allocated for the Country Programme, only US$ 190 million is allocated through Regular Resources and US$ 725 million is to be secured from Other Resources. We hope UNICEF will be able to secure the required funding from partners and donors to ensure the full implementation of the identified programme priorities. We also hope that UNICEF would be able to mobilize additional funding to support Government’s Adaptation Plan to build resilient infrastructure for children and mitigate colossal impact of climate change upon children. Second, climate change has had a severe impact on the lives of all Pakistanis. The on-going massive flood in Pakistan is a vivid manifestation of Pakistan’s vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change. Of the 33 million people affected across the country, there are millions of children who urgently need health services, nutrition, shelter, water and sanitation and education. We hope that UNICEF together with the Government will not only provide emergency supplies, but also contribute actively to rehabilitation of millions of children. While we appreciate the programme priorities identified by UNICEF for the term 2023-2027, we would request UNICEF to review the Country Programme Document and demonstrate flexibility in its implementation keeping in view the devastation caused by climate induced floods. This includes re-opening of schools in old and new temporary locations; health care-prevention of water-borne and communicable diseases and immunization of children; and ensuring food security by providing nutrition for children with the view to provide relief. In the long-term, UNICEF should provide support to Government’s Adaptation Plan by building resilient infrastructure for children, including schools, health facilities and digital learning platforms. Third, a shared aim of the Government and UNICEF is to ensure that all out of school children – around 20 million – are able to attend school. To achieve this, it will be necessary to open new schools, strengthen the infrastructure of existing schools and to develop digital platforms for e-learning. Fourth, the nutritional needs of children between 0 to 8 years are vital for their optimal growth and development. UNICEF should work with the Government’s social protection programmes to achieve this objective. Finally, the Government of Pakistan is committed to eliminating violence against children for which education and employment and social protection are key components. We will work with UNICEF to end all forms of violence against children so that they can live in safety and with dignity. Mr. President, 6. We look forward for the successful adoption and implementation of the Country Programme for the period 2023 to 2027 through close coordination and cooperation between the Government of Pakistan and UNICEF. I thank you. *-*-