PR No. 113 Islamabad: July 21, 2022

Iranian ambassador to Pakistan H.E. Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini called on the Federal Minister for Human Rights Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada in his office at Islamabad. Secretary Human Rights Mr. Afzal Latif and other senior officers of the ministry were also present in this meeting. Both side reiterated their resolve to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of human rights. Federal Minister for Human Rights welcomed the Iranian ambassador and underscored cordial brethren relations of more than seven decades between two countries that are grounded in cultural, religious and historical commonalities. Mr. Hosseini extended his felicitations to the minister on assuming the charge in the ministry and congratulated him on successful accomplishment of his various political assignments. He said that Iran is willing to enhance mutual cooperation in the field of Human Rights and particularly the judicial cooperation. Ambassador said that the special focus of Iranian government is on women rights and women empowerment. He stressed to have strong economic and business ties and the maximum cooperation in the exchange of prisoners. He further invited the minister on an official visit to Iran to attend a ceremony in the month of August where sideline meeting would also be arranged to enhance bilateral cooperation in the subject of human rights. He mentioned about two MoUs between the two governments on extradition/exchange of prisoners and for protection and promotion of human rights . He emphasized upon the need of cooperation among Muslim countries to confront the hype of islamophobia and blasphemy incidents. He appreciated role of Pakistan on diplomatic fronts to successfully counter the menace of islamophobia. Minister for Human Rights highlighted the tremendous opportunities for cooperation that exists between the two neighboring countries. He said that people of Pakistan have deep devotion and respect for Iran over the warmth and facilities that Iranian government have been proving for pilgrimages especially on Taftan Boarder. While concluding, minister said that we derive inspiration for human rights from the teachings of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). But now the world is governed by those human rights promulgators who themselves committed severe human rights violations that can never be faded from the dark chapters of human history. He also congratulated Iranian government on its perseverance and struggle in the face of decades long propaganda and economic sanctions imposed by the West and the US.