PR No. 71 Virtual Side Event on the Margins of the High-Level Political Forum 2022“Promoting the Sustainable Development: A Perspective from The ModernLaw of The Sea” co-hosted by Pakistan. 15 July 2022. Islamabad: July 15, 2022

Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, New York Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, my delegation is honored to co-host today’s side event on the theme of “Promoting the Sustainable Development: A Perspective from the Modern Law of the Sea”.  2.   I would particularly like to thank the Permanent Mission of China for undertaking this important initiative which my delegation was happy to co-sponsor.  Excellencies, 3.   Oceans are a vital element, not only for those who inhabit coastal areas, but for humankind as a whole. 4.   We depend on oceans for environmental services, food, trade, transportation and energy and global ecological balance. 5.   It is, therefore, crucial that we understand the impact of human activity on our oceans. 6.   The sustenance and sustainability of the Ocean is inextricably linked with the achievement of all the 17 SDG's and the 2030 Agenda.  7.   Unfortunately, we face global emergency of the Oceans. Sea levels are rising, coastal erosion is worsening, marine pollution is increasing, marine biodiversity is rapidly declining, and the Ocean is warmer and more acidic. Our Oceans have absorbed more than 90% of the excess heat in the climate system. 8.   Improving the governance of the oceans and strengthening legal frameworks is therefore essential for international peace and security, interconnectivity, the blue economy, and timely achievement of SDGs. Excellencies, 9.   The international legal regime governing all activities in the oceans and seas consists of a several global, regional, and bilateral legal instruments besides customary international law. 10. Since its adoption, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and its affiliated institutions governing the law of the sea have played an important role in ensuring the harmonious and judicious use of ocean resources for all mankind. 11. Pakistan also attaches great importance to the development of modern law of the sea and how its implementation can help in achievement of SDGs. 12. In this regard, I would like to raise the following three points: First, since its establishment the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has functioned as the main organ for the management of the “Area” and its vast resources for the benefit of all mankind. We are glad to notice that the ISA has been implementing the 2030 Agenda through various projects that promote Blue Economy. As the global demand for metal ores used in renewable energy technologies increases and attention is being focused on the ocean to augment supply, it has become crucial to put in place a comprehensive mining code that would regulate both exploration and exploitation activities in the Area under the overarching principle of the “Common Heritage of Mankind”.  While we continue to follow the ongoing negotiations in the ISA with interest, the principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind should remain the guiding principle in the negotiation of the financial terms of exploitation contracts, including the model of payment and rate of payment considerations. Second, as the G-77 coordinator for this year, we reiterate that there is a need to make progress on the draft treaty under UNCLOS, on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). It is essential that the principle of "common heritage of mankind" should guide and underpin the new legal regime. It provides a solid legal foundation for a fair and equitable regime that would allow all countries to benefit from the potential that marine biodiversity represents in terms of global food security and economic prosperity, and to address the challenges of conservation and sustainable use of Marine Genetic Resources (MGRs) of areas beyond national jurisdictions, while giving special attention to the special needs of developing countries in terms of capacity building and the transfer of marine technology. Third, we must fully understand and better manage the multiple aspects of oceanic sustainability, ranging from sustainable fisheries, ecosystem health and prevention of marine pollution. We require an institutional framework - such as the UNFCCC - to accelerate implementation of SDG 14. In the long term, the adverse effects of climate change on Oceans will have profound and unpredictable consequences with huge costs for humanity. Therefore, the developed countries must fulfill their obligations under the Paris Agreement, including by taking accelerated action on mitigation and adaptation in a balanced manner and urgently fulfill their long overdue commitment to provide US$100 billion per annum in climate finance. 13. In conclusion, the Government of Pakistan is fully committed to the sustainable development of its Blue Economy partnership for the 2030 Agenda, including SDG 14 pertaining to conservation of oceans. 14. We are ready to cooperate and collaborate with other friendly nations. To this end, we deeply appreciate Global Development Initiative (GDI) proposed by China as a useful platform to accelerate and coordinate efforts for implementing SDGs. Pakistan will participate actively in the work of the GDI Group of Friends to promote the common aspiration of a peaceful, prosperous, and shared future for all mankind. I thank you. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*