PR No. 69
Food Packs for Flood-Hit Areas of Balochistan Dispatched by NDMA & KS Relief
Islamabad: July 15, 2022

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in collaboration with King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre Pakistan (KS Relief) dispatched emergency relief convoy for Flood-Hit areas of Balochistan today from Islamabad. The consignment consisting of 3000 food packs including essential food items for flood affectees of Balochistan has been dispatched through convoy of 30 trucks. Speaking on the occasion the Charge d’ affaires of Royal Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Wael Alsayari said that both countries enjoy close relations and the kingdom had always stood by Pakistan during disasters. Member NDMA Mr. Idrees Mehsud while thanking and appreciating the kind gesture of the Saudi Government and Embassy in Pakistan said that Saudi Arabia has always helped Pakistan during disasters and these food bags will provide invaluable support to families affected by floods in Balochistan. The ceremony was attended by Officials of NDMA and KS relief. This consignment will be distributed among flood affectees through PDMA Balochistan.